Wow, it’s hard to believe BumBumBee Creative is 6 weeks old. It has already become such a part of our lives here – much as a new baby does. It’s hard to imagine life ‘before’.
For those of you with new babies, it’s probably been a bit of a challenging time. We want nothing more than to take our new member of the family out into the big world, show them off, and share them with our closest friends and family. COVID has changed all of that the last few months and with two little ones of our own, we know it feels to be cooped up at home feeling slightly disconnected from the world outside.
For those with slightly older children, we hope you have found some of the craft ideas on our Facebook and Instagram page inspiring enough to try. They are guaranteed boredom busters for the kids and it’s always fun to create something new out of nothing. Children get such a sense of pride when they create something and see it hanging up on the wall or on the fridge so their sense of wellbeing increases significantly.
COVID has undoubtedly been difficult but it’s important to try to find the silver lining to that cloud, for our little ones if nothing else. It’s almost hard to imagine life ‘before’ COVID too isn’t it? Children pick up very quickly if things are not right and can feed off that energy. They are too young to process or understand what’s going on so this can result in some ‘out of character’ behaviour.
We try our best to turn everything into an adventure or project – and let’s face it – when the paints come out things can get a little bit more adventurous than you’d like. After all, a yellow handprint on your freshly painted living room wall is not the sense of adventure anyone needs. Being prepared with a plastic table covering, paper on the floor, an old shirt or plastic apron for the kids and a handy old damp cloth seem to cover it in our house. Stir crazy vibes and tantrums can often be averted with a sudden art project.
One of the most important things we’ve learned through COVID is how important it is to stay connected. If the kids can’t hug their grandparents or aunties and uncles, and they are used to them being part of their life, social media, and FaceTime (or similar are great ways for them to stay in touch. I’ve even seen kids and grandparents doing painting sessions with each other on Zoom … so it’s a fun opportunity to get creative in all areas of your life.
Talking of keeping connected, we just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all of you for connecting with us on Instagram and Facebook. It feels like a wonderful, vibrant, and creative community is forming and we are so grateful for your support. A connected community is more important now than ever. As a thank you we run lots of competitions and opportunities to win FREE artwork, so keep a lookout for our next giveaway … you could be our next winner.
Well, a lot can happen in 6 weeks, so who knows what the coming weeks will bring for us all, but as long as we all keep connected and keep being creative, we should just about emerge from lockdown with our sanity – and lots of lovely new artwork to adorn our homes.