As well as sharing news from Bumbumbee Creative, I do love to share stories about the little bumbumbees and their various artistic exploits or how their birthdays and various life events inspire me to get creative (as if I need an excuse). Well, the next milestone in the Bumbumbee family is a special one. Alex (my biggest cheerleader, motivator and minder) is The Big 40 and we couldn’t let that pass without a mention. I do have a little something planned for him, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise in case he actually reads this blog – but if he is reading this ‘don’t worry, I’m sure there will be cake or ‘food’ of some description involved.’ Alex does enjoy his food! I wanted to give him a special mention because Bumbumbee Creative would not be what it is without him. I won’t embarrass him too much – but I do want him to know – it’s all very much appreciated.
On the subject of ‘appreciation’, I want to say how much I appreciate all the love you’ve shown both the Mother’s Day Snowdrops Notebooks, and the postcards featuring your favourite Scottish words for rain, namely – Dreich, Pish Oot, Stoatin, Smirr and Drookit.
They proved so popular we decided to offer them as a set during this month’s Fiver Fest and they were a huge hit. Thank You. I particularly loved hearing your stories and the ways in which you connected with memories through these words so look out for variations on this theme in the future.
At the beginning of March we were tickled pink to announce we had joined Tea Green’s maker’s directory. Tea Green was founded by Dundee-based jeweller Joanne MacFayden and is a pop-up events platform dedicated to showcasing Scotland’s creative independent artists and designers. It’s an honour to feature alongside such a wealth of vibrant, unique talent. There are so many stunning, quality pieces to be enjoyed and a whole community of designers, illustrators and artists to be celebrated.
While the energy is certainly picking up around here things still feel a little chaotic – I mean look at the weather. One minute we’re yelling scorchio and ‘taps aff’ (well that was Alex) and the next we’re back to the more familiar dreich, drookit, winter wear.
I hope no matter the weather, you found something to inspire you this month – and I hope you are all looking forward to the days getting a little bit brighter in April.
Until next time ….