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Summer vibes are here again …

It’s amazing how it only takes a few days of sunshine to get some summer inspiration happening. In Scotland, we seize the day when the sun comes out because we are all too aware it could disappear behind a cloud in hours, if not minutes later. So we make the most of every possible glimpse of that big yellow ball in the sky. We really do notice that serotonin boost too. Everyone is out and about and generally much happier and friendlier in the summer months. Sunlight is crucial to our health and wellbeing, and it’s been proven to lower blood pressure, improve our mood, as well as help us get better quality sleep. Try telling that to the little monsters that don’t want to go to bed because it’s still light outside.

Yesterday was Games Day in Burntisland – the second oldest highland games in the world, dating back to 1652. There is so much going on in the summer with the shows, our traditional funfair, beside the glorious beach! My Burntisland Map print encompasses some of the town’s history and landmarks so if you are visiting for Games Day, or for the beach-filled days of summer, be sure to pick up a souvenir at one of our wonderful stockists.

In amongst all the fun of the fair and the summer feel-good vibes, my sister at Write from Source felt inspired to write a little seasonal Haiku to go with an illustration of summer garlands I had been working on. Both the Burntisland Map and my latest print are available to buy. You can either message me on Facebook Messenger or visit Bumbumbee’s online store.

In the meantime, I hope you are all having as much fun in these summer holidays as our little bumbumbees are here. Must dash outside before those rain clouds roll in.

Until next time…

Burntisland Map Print

Your summer souvenir

Seasonal Haiku

Prints available. Message me on Facebook
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