As I write this, I can’t help but reflect on August as a month of paradoxical emotions. I’m sure, if you are a parent of school-aged children, you will understand this sentiment. There’s the joy of summer holidays and having the kids home all day every day, and then yes – the kids are home all day every day …lol.
While I felt immense pride to see my girl walk hand in hand with her big brother to school on her first day, (I promise I beamed huge, encouraging smiles to them both as we walked), I confess my heart was simultaneously, quietly breaking. Both my babies are at school now and all I can do is hope we have prepared them well for what awaits them in the wider world. I think as mothers we feel we are losing something when our children start school, whether it’s treasured time spent together, or the ability to completely protect our babies. When we wave goodbye to the youngest one – the “last” of our babies, there are even more complex emotions at play. It can seem like the end of an era – or the end of a cycle in our lives as women and that can be confronting in ways we’d never even thought of until that moment.
As for my sister and brother-in-law, well their trip home came to an end, as we knew it must. It feels like another ending and yet I know on a logical level it was a brand new beginning in so many ways. My sister hadn’t met my youngest yet, largely thanks to Covid’s travel restrictions, as well as big changes in my sister’s life. This trip changed all that, and it was wonderful to watch new lifelong bonds of family being created right in front of my eyes.
The summer holidays have given us so much laughter and joy – new memories we will all share. It’s important to hold on to those feelings and not to allow the sadness that accompanies a summer’s end to overshadow those magical times. Similarly we must embrace the pride we see in our children as they travel effortlessly through their first days at school.
Time to release those emotions now and submit to the ebb and flow of life … I’m realising that when there are tough emotions at play, or if it feels like “summer is over”, then we have to focus on the positive, or create our own little piece of sunshine until summer comes around again. And it will! This is a lesson well taught by nature. Yes, summer ends and autumn wraps her russet cloak around us, but if we allow ourselves to be enveloped by luxurious hot chocolates and cosy hats and scarves, it won’t be long before we emerge blinking in the Spring sunshine once again – rejuvenated and renewed.
For my sister and I, our little piece of sunshine lies in not just our shared bond, but our creative endeavours over the next 12-18 months. In order to counteract that feeling of painful separation, we’ve discussed a few more creative collaborations. When we work together we feel more connected and the miles between us disappear. The upside of us working together is, not only will we feel more connected until we see each other again, but our collaborations will I’m sure, be appreciated and enjoyed when we release them into the world. I’m looking forward to sharing more on that once our plans take shape.
In the meantime, If you are struggling with ‘end of summer’ or ‘back to school’ vibes, I suggest remembering the importance of self-care. Chances are, summer has been a time of “doing”, non-stop. The kids have been off school, people have been visiting – there was an expectation to be “on the go” all the time … You’ve probably felt there was very little time for yourself, let alone get creative. Believe me I know how you feel. Well now it’s time to reclaim a little bit of time just for you.
Until next time …